The following are the
Aschmanns’ newsletters over a number of years. To view or download any of them,
click on the blue date. If you would like to be notified by e-mail each
time a new newsletter is posted here, let
us know. These files are all in PDF format.[*]
Our current
letter ↓ |
Power cuts end. Translation milestone. Elections. |
Whirlwind trip. Continuing
opportunities. Walking. |
They’re moving to Colombia?
Staying in shape. |
Power outages, extra problems! Communion visits. |
Jesus Film. Video project.
Imbabura Revision change. |
God’s faithful provision.
Dad’s biography. |
Settled in Ecuador. VBS in Pigulca. New ministry. |
Salasaka NT. Bible study
highlights. Feeding hundreds. |
Big change of plans! Guinea
pig soup, live chickens. |
Returning to Ecuador. God
provided! Power cuts. |
Stamina. Bible study ups
and downs. Holidays. |
A Quichua church plant?
Sweaters in the house. |
More travels. Anne's puppy.
Car shopping. |
ParaText. Rick’s recovery.
School uniforms. |
A new car and a new dog.
Videos. Census. |
World travels. Driving
rules. Car accident. |
Translating “peace”.
Alliance Academy. |
Back home. A sad note.
Yards & walls. |
Kids in college. Travels.
Nebraska-Ecuador contrasts. |
Bilingual New Testament.
Two trips. Elections. |
Aliens and strangers.
Mealtimes. |
Pigulca renovation.
Unprecedented presidential move. |
Study on marriage. Printing
delay. Quichua potluck. |
New Testament finished! A spell checker?
A year-long visit. Nathan
graduates. Mudslides. |
Finishing revision. Sunday
school. Back to school. |
God’s ways are higher. Hard
explanations. |
Baptism. Church plant
struggles. Rebuilding car. |
Bible study. Translations.
Earthquake! Weddings. |
Stretching. Virtual
discipleship. Alfalfa juice. |
Summer trip. Church plant
priorities. Car registration. |
Unchurched Quichuas.
Translations. Piano. |
By faith he still speaks,
even though he is dead! |
More crime concerns. Cofán
translation project. |
Old Testament. Church
plant. Construction. |
Bible story evangelism. Paúl Chiriboga. |
Church plant challenges. Crime. Street noises. |
Settling in. Cotopaxi
volcano eruption. |
Funerals, weddings & a
grandson. Agriculture. |
Church plant milestones.
Reading syllables. |
The Aschmanns Return to
Ecuador! Ajiaco soup. |
Special letter about the death of our son John |
Crazy Summer. Anne’s eyes.
Dorms. |
New meeting place. Last
trip! Stress. Narrow stairs. |
Poverty and riches.
Wedding. Thanksgiving. |
Graduation. Bible
opportunities. Weekend shutdowns. |
Rick is a pastor! Two-stage
weddings. |
Jungle and snow. God’s
protection. Schools. |
Starting Sunday meetings.
New dog. Push carts. |
Ordination study. Ecuador.
Meeting place. Coffee. |
Travels. Video equipment.
Driving in Ecuador. |
Finally, brief meetings
with our dear Quichua friends! |
Pilgrim church. Ordination
study. Ecuador. Noises. |
Dad’s funeral and life.
Funerals in Ecuador. |
Flag bearer. No mail.
New ministry avenues. |
Online training. Couples’
study. Stewardship book. |
Christmas book.[†]
Literacy program. |
Healing. A Food Delivery
Adventure. Diabetes. |
Second Ecuador trip. Music.
School schedules. |
Strategic long-term prayer. Music festivals. |
Reassurance in crisis.
Feeding the hungry. WhatsApp. |
Ecuador trip. Video.
Motorcycles. |
A big “travelogue” with lots of color pictures |
New brothers and sisters in
Christ. Coronavirus. Farms. |
Meeting the neighbors. Gas,
gasoline & rush hour. |
Literacy program plans.
Mountain climbing. |
God’s protection. Old
Testament Translation. Licenses. |
We made it to Bogotá!
Licensed to preach. Old memories. |
Hymns & music
festivals. Holidays. |
Summer with family.
Bilingual NT. Mountains. |
Christmas greetings. |
Betty’s ministry. Men’s
Bible study. |
Jesus Films. Bilingual NT.
Anne and Nathan. |
Passed written exams.
Cleaning out The Pit. |
Language quiz. Volcanic
ash. |
Christmas bash. Bilingual
NT. Jesus Film. Betty’s bro. |
Saying goodbye (for a
while). Our vision! |
Selected older: |
2 Bible studies. Betty’s
dad. Videos. Black Friday. |
Green pastures & still
waters. Family Reunion! |
Describes the longest word
in the Quichua Bible |
[*] These files are all in PDF format, so to view them you may need to download the Adobe Reader. First, click on a blue date to see if you can already read PDF files. If this does not work, you will need to download the program. To get the latest version of this free program, click the link above.
The link in the newsletter is no longer available, but another link to learn
how to center-staple a book is this: